Friday, November 12, 2010

10일간의 휴가

10월 31일 TOEFL 시험을 쳤다..
시험을 끝내고 나오면서, 80점은 충분히 넘었을 것이라고 생각했다.
충분히 잘 말했고, 논리적으로 충분히 잘 썼기 때문에
Listening에서 죽을 쓰더라도, speaking과 writing에서 다 회복이 될 것이라고 생각했기 때문이다.

하지만, 결과는 참담... 76점이 뭐냐........
시험 채점관이 어떤 관점으로 채점을 하는지 모르겠지만, writing은 적어도 25점 이상은 받을 것이라고 굳게 믿었는데, 21점 밖에 안되고, speaking은 20점은 넘을 것이라고 생각했는데, 17점 밖에 안되고... 흠.....
4점만 더 받으면, TOEFL 시험을 다시는 생각 안해도 되는 건데, 그 4점 때문에 급한 마음에 13일, 14일, 21일 세번의 TOEFL 시험을 신청했다.
두달 새 토플 시험만 5번을 치면서 100만원의 돈이 허공으로 날라간 것이다.

시험 점수 발표날 혼자서 울다가, 책상에 앉아서 TOEFL 책을 다시 폈는데.....
정말 공부 하기 싫더라....

그냥 멍하게 아무 일도 안하고, 쉬었으면 좋겠다......
토익 550점을 간신히 맞던 내가 4년을 영어공부했다. 물론 4년 동안 온 힘을 다해 한 것은 아니였다. 회사일에 항상 쫓기면서 회사가 바빠서 새벽에 퇴근할 때는 몇달동안 공부 하지 못한 적도 있었다. 4년 동안 편하게 자 본적 없고, 편하게 쉬어본 적이 없었다. 매일 피곤했으며, 몸이 망가지고 있음을 항상 느꼈다. 다크서클로 내 얼굴이 저승사자 같이 보인적이 한두번이 아니였다 . 내 짐을 덜어주려는 사람은 없었고, 나에게 더 많은 짐을 주려고 기회만 노리는 사람들만 있었다. 항상 혼자였고, 나를 응원하는 사람은 아무도 없었다. 모든 사람이 내가 이 자리에 주저 앉기를 바랬다. 어느 누구에게도 4년 동안 "힘내!", "힘들지?" 라는 말 한마디를 나에게 한 적이 없다.
이거 다 감내하면서 지낸 4년의 결과인 TOEFL 점수는 나로서는 너무 억울한 점수다.
세번의 토플 시험이 남아 있다.
거기서 좋은 점수가 나오더라도, 기뻐하기 보다는 슬퍼할 것 같다.

Friday, September 24, 2010

8월 29일 하민이 생일

2010년 8월 29일 하민이가 태어났다.
내가 아빠가 된 날이기도 하다.

아빠가 된다는 것.... 내가 책임져야 할 한 생명이 태어난 것이다.

내가 반드시 살아야 될 이유가 생겨서 일까....
하민이가 태어난 이후로 재미있는 변화들이 나에게 일어나고 있다.
고속도로에서 추월차선으로 운전을 못하는 것과, 횡단 보도에서 파란불이어도 쉽게 건너지를 못하게 되었다.
물론 얼마 지나면, 다시 추월차선에서 쌩쌩 달리고, 횡단보도도 쉽게 건너겠지만,
"난 반드시 살아야 해" 라는 것은 변하지 않을 것 같다.

수퍼맨 리턴즈의 마지막 장면에서 수퍼맨이 하는 대사이다.
"넌 너의 눈으로 아버지의 삶을, 난 나의 눈으로 네 삶을 볼지니. 아들은 아버지가, 아버지는 아들이 된다"
이 대사가 조금씩 이해가 되어 간다.
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Monday, August 23, 2010


STOKKE. It's truth.

I and my wife worried which stroller we have to buy.
Of course, my wife's decision is most important because she will use a stroller more than me.
However, it is very difficult to choose suitable stroller between price and function.
(Also my wife's fashion is one of most important factors.)
Till several days ago, we considered to buy a quinny buzz. It looked like one of most sophisticated stroller with affordable price for us. But.... we saw real quinny buzz stroller, which a married couple used, when we went to shopping mall to buy some foods. It is not more sophisticated stroller than we thought. Conclusively, It didn't receive any attention from other people. My wife was very disappointed to the quinny buzz which we are going to buy.
That's why we re-googled a stroller. As a result, we decided to buy a STOKKE xplory 2009 edition with black color.
(A image is stokke xplory 2010 edition from stokke website. 2009 edition is little different from the image)

The stroller's concept is "higher is better". Like the concept, a seat of the stroller can be adjusted up and down. Cause of the function, a mom can have a chance more to do eye contact with a baby. Also we can use the stroller as a chair for baby when we go to a restaurant. Lastly, it can receive excessive attention from other people, especially, moms having a baby, Cause people interested in strollers tell that a stokke xplory is a benz of strollers.

When I worried which stroller I buy, my co-worker who already buy stroller said me that you don't need to consider which stroller you have to buy. you should just buy a stokke. It is truth.
When I heared this opinion, I didn't agree with his opinion, 'cause stokke was very expensive and I didn't like a mom having a stokke because the mom is like unreaonable woman. However, as a result of analysing stroller, I recognized there is a reason way many married couple choose a stokke xplory, and why my co-woker recommand it.


Monday, August 16, 2010

I will go forth when you say

I will go forth when you say
I will stop if it is not your will
It depends on your will whether I will go or stop
O Lord, lead me
I want to be there you will
I will obey an live as you lead me
May you come through my weak soul
For the sake of the Lord's kingdom and his will
O Lord, lead me

I want to live as this poem......

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I've got a satisfactory GRE score finally. I think I am very lucky as I don't need to consider the score for graducate admission. I can concentrate paper, journal and TOEFL more.
To get the score, I learned a lot of voca which are never used during a life. GRE is really a completely insane. I don't understand why graduate schools require applicants the score. On a image of my GRE transcript, I got only 250 points of verbal at first time. Then I got 570 points of verbal at second time.
On ETS webpage, a purpose of taking GRE test is below this.
"The GRE General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills that are not related to any specific field of study."
However, in my case, can anybody judge my competence through my GRE score?
I can say "NO".
I think that a person who get a very low GRE score can perform a GREAT outstanding during graducate school.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Star Allience World trip

Today, I have checked how many milege of Asiana I have in Asiana homepage.
I have about 90,000 mileges. I guess I can get 10,000 more mileges until end of 2010.
It means that I can use world trip package provided by Star allience. (Asiana is a member of Star allience.) That's why I have looked for cities where I can go by using 100,000 mileges.
100,000 mileges of Asiana gives a customer to chance to go up to 20,000 mile trip.
The result is a below image.

Seoul -> Bejing -> Istanbul -> Vienna -> Zurich -> London -> Barcelona -> New York -> Chicago -> Vancouver -> Tokyo -> Osaka -> Shanghai -> Seoul

It's really amazing!!!. I can go almost cities which I really want to go.
It is perfectly world trip!!.

But.... If I go world trip like the plan, I will got fired... ㅠ.ㅠ

Some people told that all of people can't take a trip because when a person is students, he/she doesn't have a money for trip even though he has a time and good health. Also when he is a business people, he doesn't have a time to take a trip event though he has a money and good health. Lastly, when he is older, he doesn't have good health even though he has a money and time.

It is a life of human....